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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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GetFirstModulePageForArea NullReferenceException
Hi guys, I am trying to set up a new website without any fancy templates, just a simple HTML page attached to a standard Blank page object. I have created a new Website, I have not chosen any Website ItemType, I have defined a new template folder wit ...
Adrian Ursu
30/08/2023 17:13:23
Last post: 31/08/2023 10:16:27
Password Recovery, two websites, two shops
Hi, We have a solution with two websites configured to use two different shops. Creating accounts from fronend works fine with "Send ShopId" enabled. But I have trouble getting the password recovery to work. In the template for getting a re ...
Aki Ruuskanen
28/08/2023 14:28:06
Last post: 28/08/2023 14:58:33
User selectable groups
Hi there! By default (TurnKey), does DW offers User selectable groups on Swift solution, because on Create account page that is Extranet app, there is option to add "User selectable groups"? What I mean is, can user while on registration fo ...
Ivan Blažun
09/05/2023 09:41:57
Last post: 28/08/2023 13:03:09
Checkbox list field for Users
Hi guys, I have recently encountered a situation where I had to define a custom User field as a Checkbox list (Multiple selection). I have noticed that none of the current options allows for this type of setup. All options are single select: Checkbox ...
Adrian Ursu
26/08/2023 15:29:17
Last post: 28/08/2023 09:28:52
Change type custom order field
Moved to here: This post can be deleted. ...
Martin Moen
25/08/2023 15:08:37
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Possible to extend/change Forms for Editors
Hi, Is it possible to extend the functionality of Forms for Edittors? The case I'm looking at is that customer would like the content of the form to be submitted to their CRM system. Thanks, Justin ...
Justin Sjouw
22/08/2023 14:43:37
Last post: 22/08/2023 14:56:46
Force login for anonymous users on protected pages
Hi guys, We have a Swift implementation where we have the entire "My account" section protected. We are trying to achieve a solution for redirecting the user to a login page (or displaying the login template) if a user tries to access a pro ...
Adrian Ursu
18/08/2023 14:52:38
Last post: 22/08/2023 11:33:20
Item relation list, inline, delete
Hi guys, We have upgraded one of our solutions from an old version to 9.14.10. In the process, we have noticed a difference of behavior when deleting items from an ItemRelation list. How to reproduce: 1. Create an Item type for ItemList (does not mat ...
Adrian Ursu
22/08/2023 11:28:15
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System.FormatException: Invalid shift value in prefixCoded string (is encoded value really an INT?)
Hi guys, I have an update issue I can't seem to fix myself. It's about the product search / index. I started out with an application with a Dynamicweb 9.14.1 Admin. I've updated it to 9.15.7 and updated ALL nuget packages on june 1st and  ...
Peter Leleulya
01/06/2023 13:37:20
Last post: 21/08/2023 09:52:32
Rename languages
Hi, What does the "Rename language" checkbox do? Cannot see anything about it in the documentation, Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
21/08/2023 08:43:47
Last post: 21/08/2023 09:07:20
Copy of language layer
Hi, We have a solution where we have a website with a number of languages. Now, we are going to make a copy of that website, with one language layer. Is there any wmart way to make a copy of a website and also make a copy of one of the language layer ...
Aki Ruuskanen
16/08/2023 16:31:36
Last post: 17/08/2023 07:58:19
Custom urls and language-layers
Hi, My customer would like to use the same domain for all websites, both master website and language-layers. At first they will be launching a B2B shop, which later will be joined by a B2C shop with another layout, so another domain, another master w ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
11/08/2023 09:55:42
Last post: 11/08/2023 11:13:11
User smart search: using expressions
Hey, when creating a smart search for users, selecting certain fields allows you to enter an expression as part of the condition. I haven't been able to find any documentation for this - how can we utilize this? Is it a regexp, what variables are ava ...
Martin Christensen
09/01/2017 10:32:41
Last post: 09/08/2023 12:52:20
Deleting an image does not create auto-generated thumb
Hi there, I have enabled automated thumbnail generation on a folder to create thumbs for an external application. It seems that when I delete a picture from the main folder, the thumbnail remains. Is there a way to clean those up? Using standard func ...
Imar Spaanjaars
26/06/2023 10:46:23
Last post: 08/08/2023 14:43:36
Extranet App cant edit User Items
Hi! I have made a User Item with some fields and attached it to my user group. I need to be able to edit the value of these item fields from the frontend using the Extranet app, just as I can edit the standard user fields the same way. But the values ...
Eva Marie Agerlund
03/08/2023 12:55:42
Last post: 08/08/2023 14:39:08
Quote Flow - Can't uncheck Allow order
Hi, On the quote flow states if the Allow Order is checked it can no longuer be unchecked, unless we also remove the Allow Edit option. Here is my repro of the issue. Dynamicweb version 9.15.9 ...
Cátia Torego
14/07/2023 16:38:26
Last post: 02/08/2023 13:12:59
Thumbnails being recreated
Hi there, I have a folder with about 10K images. I configured thumbnails as follows: While creating the thumbs the site recycled and the creation process stopped. I then copied an existing image in the hopes it would restart the process. It did, but  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
26/06/2023 14:30:15
Last post: 02/08/2023 13:00:26
Cannot sort scheduled tasks when there are too many
Hi there, When you have many scheduled tasks, sorting no longer works as the sort page returns a 404. For example, when I have just a few tasks, the URL is like this: ...
Imar Spaanjaars
19/05/2023 15:38:28
Last post: 02/08/2023 12:41:57
Data Lists not working in Design mode
Hi, We have a farly large and custom project, for which we plan to use Data List to display and edit some records on the database. But the App is not working in Design mode. When I convert to SQL mode I need to remove the Collate to even have the dat ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/03/2023 20:52:18
Last post: 02/08/2023 12:41:15
Password recovery mail sent twice
Hi, The password recovery mail is sent twice at the same time. Worthy to say, the PasswordRecovery page is NOT the standar Login page but a new one that we had to create according the client requeriments. Does somebody experienced a similar issue? Re ...
Tomas Gomez
20/06/2023 15:14:15
Last post: 31/07/2023 13:46:12