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Moving language layers with Deployment tool
Hi guys, I have a project where we have added a language layer on the staging site. Now that we are doing with it, it needs to be moved to the production site while keeping it as a language layer. I have used the deployment tool for the job, but I ca ...
Adrian Ursu
02/05/2024 09:15:13
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Collation issues on Monitoring Health
Hi, We ran into an issue where the SQL Server default collation is different from the DB collation - which prevents the Monitoring > Health content checks to be used. The reason is the checks that use INFORMATION_SCHEMA will be on a different coll ...
Mario Santos
09/04/2024 15:36:50
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Get item by id cache
Hi, I am using this Item.GetItemById but it has a cache for 15 minutes. Is there any other way I can get the item without the cache? I have a foreach loop for looping through Items to set a field value on it and use it for some other custom functions ...
Andreas Pettersson
26/02/2024 13:22:52
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Scroll margin top
Hi, When I link to sections on the same page, I don't end up at the start of the section, but right in the middle. I've already seen that there is a scroll margin top in there, but I don't think it works properly. I had to adjust it mysel ...
Caro De Weze
24/10/2023 09:35:36
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Extranet app does not set AccessUserItemType and AccessUserItemId
Hi, I am using the extranet app to add new users to a specific group. But it does not set the fields: AccessUserItemType and AccessUserItemId in database But when i add through backend a user in that specific group i get values in those fields. Why d ...
Andreas Pettersson
25/09/2023 11:24:55
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Change type custom order field
Moved to here: This post can be deleted. ...
Martin Moen
25/08/2023 15:08:37
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Item relation list, inline, delete
Hi guys, We have upgraded one of our solutions from an old version to 9.14.10. In the process, we have noticed a difference of behavior when deleting items from an ItemRelation list. How to reproduce: 1. Create an Item type for ItemList (does not mat ...
Adrian Ursu
22/08/2023 11:28:15
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Use User Queries for Discounts, Permissions
Hi guys, I would like to use User queries to populate User groups and use them in Permissions and Discounts. I see that I can only use SmartSearches which are not exactly efficient for large User lists. I am pretty sure I cannot do this already (mayb ...
Adrian Ursu
29/06/2023 13:11:34
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Email Marketing Feature request and issue with attachments
Hi guys, I have configured a few email messages in the Email Marketing and I have noticed that using the Subject for Email message title is not very useful when trying to differentiate email messages with similar subjects. That's because subject  ...
Adrian Ursu
01/06/2023 13:44:26
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Password hash shows when Impersonation is changed
Are you all aware of this? Go to user on 9.15.3 site (and presumably subsequent) Change Impersonation settings Password hash shows (see attachment) ...
Sean Meade
17/05/2023 22:22:54
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Feature request - Copy paragraph with permissions
Hi, When copying a paragraph, it would be a nice feature, if you have the opportunity to include the existing permissions BR Thomas ...
Thomas Larsen
27/01/2023 09:20:15
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NLB and Lucene indexes
Hello, We're running into issue with rebuilding indexes on a webfarm with shared disk and the 2nd node isn't picking up the index rebuild. Does the index get loaded into memory? I hadn't assumed that it did, but I've been able to conf ...
Scott Forsyth
19/01/2023 23:43:59
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Email is being sent from backdoor
Subject: Order price validation failed Sender: <> To: <>; <> Body: Price validation failed for an order ('xxx') h ...
Arker Soe
14/11/2022 05:54:29
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Idea for new logic behind creating new itemtype that inherits an existing one
I have multiple times been in the database and swapped item types to ones that inherit an exiting one without loosing all the existing data. So I thought why not bring this option to the backend? Explanation: When you create a new ItemType and select ...
Kevin Steffer
25/08/2022 15:47:09
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Google Login
Hello, We've added Google Login using the default feature Dynamicweb provides with External Authentication. It works great if you go through it and complete the process but if you change your mind whenever you are redirected to Google to authenti ...
Daniel Voicu
26/07/2022 21:52:05
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Performance leak using Item Type User field
Hi, When working with a custom Item type, creating a field of type User, we notice a performance leak. We create the field Our intent was to get the group Id and then do something with it. We used Model.Item.G ...
Nuno Aguiar
26/07/2022 19:10:06
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Failure during daily index rebuild
Hello, We have an issue with an index that fails during the daily rebuild. It's a full user repository build, using a standard Swift site. I don't believe we have any customizations on it. ( I haven't seen th ...
Scott Forsyth
01/07/2022 22:51:50
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Endpoint Management - Description field does not allow certain chars
Some chars (or combinations hereof) are not allowed in the Description field. Example: Apply <GetEcomData Qty="10000"> to the description field. Click "Save and close" The "error" shows: ...
Morten Snedker
14/06/2022 10:32:55
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Issues on the internal links of the emails
Hi, We detected wrong behaviours in the internal links of the emails. We work on DW 9.13.7 with Swift 1.6.1. The link "View in browser" is Ok when testing the mail as a page, but it is broken in the received email at the email server The li ...
Tomas Gomez
07/06/2022 15:10:33
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Save last location when uploading images
Hi guys, We have a request from one of our customers and it seems a valid one (I often experienced it myself). In all areas where you have to select or upload images (Visual editor and products), every time you open the Image select dialog, the defau ...
Adrian Ursu
31/03/2022 11:14:28
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