Cart & Order details

From the Cart and Order lists you can click each order to open the details view (Figure 1.1) – this view allows you to e.g.

  • Inspect the cart/order details
  • Process carts/orders
  • Edit carts/orders – if allowed by the system
Figure 1.1 The Order details screen

The details view consists of:

  • A ribbon bar (1) which gives you access to various tools for processing an order
  • A details section (2) where you can see the basic details of an order or cart
  • A number of detail boxes (3) with additional cart or order information

When viewing an order or cart, you’re usually interested in the details section (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 The details section of an order

This section enables you to view:

  • The Cart ID/Order ID
  • The creation date & completion date (if applicable)
  • A list of order items and any discountsorder line fieldsunit, and stock location associated with each item
  • Any payment method and shipping method selected – and the fees associated with them
  • The order subtotal, total, and totals excluding VAT and taxes
  • Any billing address and shipping address details filled in during checkout

By default each tax is shown on a separate orderlines – but this can get confusing if many taxes are applied, e.g. when using the Avalara AvaTax provider. To show taxes on a single order line go to Settings > Ecommerce > Advanced configuration > General and use the Taxes in backend settings to tweak the behavior.

In the upper right corner of the view you can access the edit order button if editing orders is permitted on the solution.

Below the basic details, the comments section (Figure 3.1) contains any order comments and customer comments associated with the order.

Figure 3.1 Order comments

The Additional information section (Figure 4.1) contains any custom order fields present on your solution.

Figure 4.1 Custom order fields are placed in the 'Additional Information' section

The order data section (Figure 5.1) provides you with access to various technical data about the order.

Figure 5.1 The order data box

You can view:

  • The standard sales tax or VAT rate
  • The shop the order was created from
  • The IP address of the computer usd to place the order
  • The last step in the order process (currently broken)
  • The exported info (returns true if order has been exported)
  • The order context of the order (if completed through an order context cart)
  • Any voucher codes used on the order (if applicable)

The currencies section (Figure 6.1) shows you the the details of the currency of the order

Figure 6.1 The Currencies box

You can review:

  • The name of the currency used for this order
  • The factor (exchange rate) compared with the default currency
  • The code for the currency

The transaction section (Figure 7.1) lets you review transaction details from the payment provider used for the order.

Figure 7.1 The transaction details box

The transaction details are returned to Dynamicweb from the payment providers, and consequently the information available may vary between providers.

Typically, the transaction number (in the payment provider system), statuscard type & card number (masked, except last 4 digits) is returned, but some providers may not return any information at all.

The Miscellaneous section (Figure 8.1) lets you review the price calculation date and the completion date (orders only). You can also access the user details of the (registered or unregistered) user who placed the order by clicking Details.

Figure 8.1 The Miscellanous details box

Occasionally, a customer may contact you in order to change their order in some way, or you may want to apply a discount to an existing (but not processed) order.

With order editing in Dynamicweb, you can:

  • Edit customer information
  • Edit shipping details
  • Add or remove products and product discounts
  • View and compare order versions

To edit an order, click the edit button in the order details view (Figure 9.1).

Figure 9.1 Editing an order

This opens an editable version of the order details - starting with the order items list (Figure 9.2).

Figure 9.2 Editing an order

You can:

  • Edit the quantity and price of each order list item
  • Remove discounts and products

Using the Editing-tools you can also add products and add discounts to an order (Figure 9.3).

Figure 9.3 Adding products and discounts

You can:

  • Add an order discount to the order
  • Add a product with or without an orderline discount to match

The total price of the order is recalculated automatically.

If you want to resend an edited orders to the customer, you can set up a new order state – e.g. ‘Resend order’ – and automate the process.

Some limitations apply:

  • You cannot add a discount which makes the total price less than 0
  • Payment and shipping fees are not recalculated.
  • There is no recalculation of the order if you change the amount of items in a part list, and the main product is set to e.g. Fixed price plus changes.

You can further configure the order edit behavior on your solution by going to Settings > Ecommerce > Advanced configuration > General and configuring the Edit and delete permissions settings.

You can view previous versions of an order by pressing the show history button (Figure 11.1).

Figure 11.1 Viewing the order edit history

From the order edit history, you can:

  • Click the show icon to see a snapshot of the order from right before the next edit
  • Click the compare icon to open a window comparing the current version with a selectable previous version, including a column highlighting the changes between the two versions

A cart is converted to an order at the moment the checkout process is started – this means that it can no longer be changed. If the order is changed in any way, it is downgraded to a cart and can be checked out anew but with a different order id. This is intended behavior.

The following changes will cause an order to be downgraded to a cart:

  • Add orderline
  • Remove orderline
  • Change quantity on orderline
  • Change payment country
  • Change delivery country
  • Change payment
  • Change shipping
  • Change voucher
  • Change customer region
  • Change delivery region

These are the database tables relevant for Orders and related features:


Contains orders. Incomplete orders are indicated by an idea containing CART. On checkout carts are converted to orders and given a new id (containing ORDER).

Field name Data type Length
OrderId nvarchar 50
OrderShopId nvarchar 255
OrderDate datetime 8
OrderModified datetime 8
OrderComplete bit 1
OrderDeleted bit 1
OrderStateId nvarchar 50
OrderVAT float 8
OrderIP nvarchar 255
OrderReferrer nvarchar 255
OrderTransactionValue nchar 2
OrderTransactionType nvarchar 50
OrderTransactionStatus nvarchar 50
OrderTransactionAmount float 8
OrderTransactionPayGatewayCode nvarchar 4
OrderTrackTraceNumber nvarchar 50
OrderShippingMethod nvarchar 255
OrderShippingMethodFee float 8
OrderPaymentMethod nvarchar 255
OrderPaymentMethodFee float 8
OrderSalesDiscount float 8
OrderCurrencyName nvarchar 50
OrderCurrencyRate float 8
OrderCurrencyCode nvarchar 3
OrderCart bit 1
OrderFieldsXML nvarchar Max
OrderReSendEmail nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerNumber nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerCompany nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerName nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerAddress nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerAddress2 nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerZip nvarchar 50
OrderCustomerCity nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerCountry nvarchar 50
OrderCustomerRegion nvarchar 50
OrderCustomerPhone nvarchar 50
OrderCustomerFax nvarchar 50
OrderCustomerEmail nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerCell nvarchar 50
OrderCustomerRefId nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerEAN nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerVatRegNumber nvarchar 50
OrderDeliveryCompany nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryName nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryAddress nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryAddress2 nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryZip nvarchar 50
OrderDeliveryCity nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryCountry nvarchar 50
OrderDeliveryRegion nvarchar 50
OrderDeliveryPhone nvarchar 50
OrderDeliveryFax nvarchar 50
OrderDeliveryEmail nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryCell nvarchar 50
OrderTotalPrice float 8
OrderComment nvarchar Max
OrderCustomerComment nvarchar Max
OrderWeight float 8
OrderVolume float 8
OrderPriceWithVAT float 8
OrderPriceWithoutVAT float 8
OrderPriceVAT float 8
OrderPriceVATPercent float 8
OrderShippingFeeWithVAT float 8
OrderShippingFeeWithoutVAT float 8
OrderShippingFeeVAT float 8
OrderShippingFeeVATPercent float 8
OrderPaymentFeeWithVAT float 8
OrderPaymentFeeWithoutVAT float 8
OrderPaymentFeeVAT float 8
OrderPaymentFeeVATPercent float 8
OrderPriceBeforeFeesWithVAT float 8
OrderPriceBeforeFeesWithoutVAT float 8
OrderPriceBeforeFeesVAT float 8
OrderPriceBeforeFeesVATPercent float 8
OrderCustomerAccessUserId int 4
OrderCustomerAccessUserUserName nvarchar 255
OrderShippingMethodId nvarchar 50
OrderPaymentMethodId nvarchar 50
OrderGatewayResult nvarchar Max
OrderStepNum int 4
OrderTransactionNumber nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerCountryCode nvarchar 50
OrderDeliveryCountryCode nvarchar 50
OrderStepHistory nvarchar Max
OrderLanguageId nvarchar 50
OrderTransactionMailSend bit 1
OrderShippingMethodDescription nvarchar Max
OrderPaymentMethodDescription nvarchar Max
OrderCustomerNewsletterSubcribe bit 1
OrderGatewayPaymentStatus nvarchar 255
OrderGatewayTransactionProblems nvarchar Max
OrderGatewayUniqueId nvarchar 255
OrderCaptureInfo nvarchar Max
OrderCartV2StepIndex int 4
OrderSecret nvarchar 255
OrderShippingCountrySelection nvarchar 255
OrderPaymentCountrySelection nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerAccepted bit 1
OrderDebuggingInfo nvarchar Max
OrderHasSetUserDetails bit 1
OrderTrackAndTraceId int 4
OrderTrackAndTraceParameters nvarchar Max
OrderIntegrationOrderId nvarchar Max
OrderRequisition nvarchar 255
OrderAXOrderId nvarchar Max
OrderVisitorSessionId nvarchar 255
OrderIsExported bit 1
OrderVoucherCode nvarchar 36
OrderCustomerSurname nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerInitials nvarchar 50
OrderCustomerPrefix nvarchar 50
OrderDeliverySurname nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryInitials nvarchar 50
OrderDeliveryPrefix nvarchar 50
OrderShippingDocumentData nvarchar Max
OrderShippingProviderData nvarchar Max
OrderCompletedDate datetime 8
OrderSecondaryUserId int 4
OrderReceiptShowCount int 4
OrderCaptureAmount float 8
OrderTransactionCardType nvarchar 100
OrderExternalPaymentFee float 8
OrderAutoId int 4
OrderPriceCalculationDate datetime 8
OrderTotalPoints float 8
OrderTotalRewardPoints float 8
OrderTotalDiscountWithVAT float 8
OrderTotalDiscountWithoutVAT float 8
OrderTotalDiscountVAT float 8
OrderTotalDiscountVATPercent float 8
OrderIsQuote bit 1
OrderTransactionCardNumber nvarchar 50
OrderCustomerTitle nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerFirstName nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerMiddleName nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerHouseNumber nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryTitle nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryFirstName nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryMiddleName nvarchar 255
OrderDeliveryHouseNumber nvarchar 255
OrderCheckoutPageID int 4
OrderVisitorSessionDate datetime 8
OrderPriceCalculatedByProvider bit 1
OrderTaxTransactionNumber nvarchar 50
OrderVoucherUseType int 4
OrderContextID nvarchar 50
OrderGiftcardTransactionFailed bit 1
OrderShippingFeeRuleName nvarchar 255
OrderRecurringOrderId int 4
OrderPaymentRecurringInfo nvarchar Max
OrderSavedCardID int 4
OrderIsRecurringOrderTemplate bit 1
OrderTransactionToken nvarchar Max
OrderTransactionTokenCheckSum nvarchar 128
OrderIsLedgerEntry bit 1
OrderIsPayable bit 1
OrderReturnOperations nvarchar Max
OrderDisplayName nvarchar 255
OrderDiscountPercentage float 8
OrderDiscountAmount float 8
OrderVATCountryCode nvarchar 50
OrderReference nvarchar 255
OrderShippingDate datetime 8
OrderPointsToUse float 8
OrderPaymentMethodCode nvarchar 25
OrderPaymentMethodTermsCode nvarchar 25
OrderShippingMethodCode nvarchar 25
OrderShippingMethodAgentCode nvarchar 25
OrderShippingMethodAgentServiceCode nvarchar 25
OrderReverseChargeForVat bit 1
OrderParentOrderId nvarchar 255
OrderLedgerType nvarchar 255
OrderCustomerAddressId int 4
OrderDeliveryAddressId int 4


Contains order flow setup from Settings -> Ecom -> Orders -> Order flows.

Field name Data type Length
OrderFlowId int 4
OrderFlowIsDefault bit 1
OrderFlowName nvarchar 255
OrderFlowDescription nvarchar Max
OrderFlowOrderType int 4


Contains definitions of individual order states in an order flow (OrderFlowId).

Field name Data type Length
OrderStateId nvarchar 50
OrderStateName nvarchar 255
OrderStateDescription nvarchar Max
OrderStateIsDefault bit 1
OrderStateDontUseInstatistics bit 1
OrderStateIsDeleted bit 1
OrderStateMailTemplate nvarchar 255
OrderFlowId int 4
OrderStateMailSender nvarchar 255
OrderStateMailSenderName nvarchar 255
OrderStateMailSubject nvarchar 255
OrderStateAutoId int 4
OrderStateSendToCustomer bit 1
OrderStateOthersMailTemplate nvarchar 255
OrderStateOthersRecipients nvarchar Max
OrderStateSortOrder int 4
OrderStateOrderType int 4
OrderStateAllowOrder bit 1
OrderStateAllowEdit bit 1
OrderStateSendToDeliveryEmail bit 1
OrderStateSendToField bit 1
OrderStateCustomRecipientField nvarchar 255
OrderStateColor nvarchar 255


Defines flow between order states (OrderStateRuleFromState -> OrderStateRuleToState).

Field name Data type Length
OrderStateRuleId int 4
OrderStateRuleFromState nvarchar 50
OrderStateRuleToState nvarchar 50


Debug log for order flows. Links to order (EcomOrders) via OrderDebuggingInfoOrderID.

Field name Data type Length
OrderDebuggingInfoId int 4
OrderDebuggingInfoOrderId nvarchar 50
OrderDebuggingInfoSource nvarchar 255
OrderDebuggingInfoTime datetime 8
OrderDebuggingInfoMessage nvarchar Max
OrderDebuggingInfoType int 4
OrderDebuggingInfoOrderAutoId int 4


Contains orderlines from orders (EcomOrders) linked via (OrderLineOrderId).

Field name Data type Length
OrderLineId nvarchar 50
OrderLineOrderId nvarchar 50
OrderLineParentLineId nvarchar 50
OrderLineBOM bit 1
OrderLineDate datetime 8
OrderLineModified datetime 8
OrderLineProductNumber nvarchar 255
OrderLineProductId nvarchar 30
OrderLineProductVariantId nvarchar 255
OrderLineProductName nvarchar 255
OrderLineProductVariantText nvarchar 255
OrderLineUnitPrice float 8
OrderLineVatPercent float 8
OrderLineVatPrice float 8
OrderLineQuantity float 8
OrderLineType nvarchar 255
OrderLineReference nvarchar 255
OrderLineBOMItemId nvarchar 50
OrderLineUnitId nvarchar 50
OrderLineWeight float 8
OrderLineVolume float 8
OrderLinePriceWithVAT float 8
OrderLinePriceWithoutVAT float 8
OrderLinePriceVAT float 8
OrderLinePriceVATPercent float 8
OrderLineUnitPriceWithVAT float 8
OrderLineUnitPriceWithoutVAT float 8
OrderLineUnitPriceVAT float 8
OrderLineUnitPriceVATPercent float 8
OrderLinePageId int 4
OrderLineDiscountId nvarchar 50
OrderLineFieldValues nvarchar Max
OrderLineAttachment nvarchar Max
OrderLineAutoId int 4
OrderLineWishListId int 4
OrderLinePriceCalculationReference nvarchar 255
OrderLineUnitPriceCalculationReference nvarchar 255
OrderLineUnitPoints float 8
OrderLineUnitRewardPoints float 8
OrderLinePoints float 8
OrderLineRewardPoints float 8
OrderLineRewardId int 4
OrderLineReverseChargeForVat bit 1
OrderLineTotalDiscountWithVAT float 8
OrderLineTotalDiscountWithoutVAT float 8
OrderLineTotalDiscountVAT float 8
OrderLineTotalDiscountVATPercent float 8
OrderLineGiftCardCode nvarchar Max
OrderLineDiscountPercentage float 8
OrderLineUnitPriceBeforeDiscount float 8
OrderLineStockLocationId bigint 8


Contains setup data for track and trace as defined in Settings -> Ecommerce -> Orders -> Track and trace.

Field name Data type Length
TrackAndTraceId int 4
TrackAndTraceName nvarchar 255
TrackAndTraceURL nvarchar Max
TrackAndTraceParameters nvarchar Max