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Forum » Templates
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Is it possible to set unwrap:true on PageViewModel's @Model.Placeholder(...)
Hi, Running version 9.7.2, it will generate a div for each paragraph, when rendering them with @Model.Placeholder(...). Is it possible to set unwrap:true in some way? It would have made sense if it could be included as part of the settings parameter  ...
Roald Haahr Jensen
25/10/2019 13:33:33
Last post: 25/10/2019 15:03:51
Handlebars template not rendered in product details
Hi there, we have a WIP test site up and are experiencing some strange issues. The product information is not being rendered but other handlebars generated content is being rendered on oth ...
Reynir Viðar Ingason
24/10/2019 10:07:09
Last post: 24/10/2019 14:23:54
Wrong saved card number on order confirmation page
When using a saved card I am getting the wrong number displayed on the order confirmation page. The value is wrong if I try to get it either from the template tags (Ecom:Order.TransactionCardNumber) or the API, although it's correct on the backoffice ...
Cátia Torego
04/10/2019 11:49:33
Last post: 07/10/2019 02:31:29
PageVievModel - when used no paragraphs are rendered (DW 9.6.13)
When I use PageViewModel on my Master and Page templates my placeholders and their content are not rendered... I have tested using two dead simple plain master and page templates using edit: ParagraphViewModel PageViewModel, my placeholders are not r ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
26/09/2019 15:58:57
Last post: 04/10/2019 12:18:56
Controlling behaviour of master pagetemlate (master.cshtml) Based on settings on a pagebased Item
Hi I need a solution for where I can allow an editor to control things, that will effect behaviour of the master page template (master.cshtml) across all pages of all types. I was considering setting up an item based page as a sort of a settings/cont ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
18/09/2019 15:25:39
Last post: 19/09/2019 12:49:41
Format SendDate tag in Email content.
Hi, Is there a way to format the email tag: {{EmailMessaging:Message.SendDate}} Now it returns the full DateTime but we would like to get the date only. So it can be used inside the content text of a recuring email. If there is no standard feature fo ...
Jesse Bakker
29/07/2019 11:33:34
Last post: 31/07/2019 15:44:41
Template Context for EmailMarketing
I have been stuggling for a few days with the email marketing module, and think it is time i request some external assistance :-) When i am sending an email via the EmailMarketing module, it seems that the context in @PageView.Context is null. (I hav ...
Ronni Hansen
26/07/2019 08:35:47
Last post: 10/12/2019 14:30:36
Get the name of current pagetemplate
Hi Is there a way to output the name of the current pagetemplate from a paragraph template view? @TemplateTags does not reveal this, but maybe somehow via the API this could be done? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
01/07/2019 14:41:08
Last post: 01/07/2019 15:38:48
Viewmodel list multiple files
Hi, I have a question, we have a code first item where we can selecte multiple images: [File(Name = "Image", BaseDirectory = "/Images", Extension = "jpg,png,svg", MaxFilesToAdd = "6", Description = "", AllowFrontendUpload = false)] public string Slid ...
Harald Brouwers
13/06/2019 14:35:31
Last post: 17/06/2019 09:13:28
Declaring/using variable across paragraph templates
Hi I have started posts about this before, but this is maybe a little bit different. I want to declare a variable in paragraphTemplateA.cshtml, and then I want to use/show it in paragraphTemplateB.cshtml I was thinking i could use ViewBag for this, b ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
12/06/2019 10:31:53
Last post: 01/07/2019 17:47:06
Get the value of custom order fields
Hi, I'm trying to get the value of custom order fields displayed in the cart. Have tried the following in the JSON feed but the tags returns the input field: feedRoot.reference = GetString("Reference"); feedRoot.requisitionNo = GetString("Requisition ...
Søren Bremholm Jakobsen
07/06/2019 14:51:51
Last post: 11/06/2019 11:05:32
Forms for Editors - Not showing Radio Fields option values in Confirmation Email
Using Forms for Editors App. In the NotificationTemplate, under [MyDesign]/Forms/Mail/ , When the fieldType == Radio, it does not return the selected option value, label Text, instead, a string "On" is returned. The field is being called under a GetL ...
Lara Arsénio
20/05/2019 21:10:43
Last post: 28/05/2019 07:37:19
LINQ 'nested' GroupBy
Hi guys We got an event calendar where we would like to 'nest' the grouping of items in the current order: Weekday Venue Artist Artist Artist Venue Artist Artist We got the following code (current.jpg) made with LINQ but we are struggeling to make th ...
Jens Mouritzen
19/05/2019 22:34:26
Last post: 18/06/2019 08:44:14
Web-view confirmation emails - how to customize the template
Hello! - I need to customize the page that has the web view of the email templates (when we click the link of a confirmation email, and open it in a web browser. It looks like it is calling, by definition, the template located in "Application\Admin\M ...
Lara Arsénio
17/05/2019 18:45:35
Last post: 20/05/2019 13:34:32
Extending Dynamic Article
Hi there DW Forum. I have a question regarding the Dynamic Articles and the possibilities of extending them. It's because i have made a custom block/template for showing some Schema markup on Dynamic Article item'et. And on the Dynamic Article page l ...
Mikkel Hornbech Nielsen
15/05/2019 12:30:16
Last post: 20/05/2019 14:08:42
Any way to alter mail subject dynamically in form for editors?
We usually alter input fields via javascript, but is there any way to alter the mail subject dynamically of the mail being sent as a receipt? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
02/05/2019 14:54:29
Last post: 02/05/2019 15:31:01
ParentTag in RenderNavigation (PageViewModel)
Hi I am trying to render a menu using ParentTag like this: @RenderNavigation(new { StartLevel = 1, EndLevel = 2, ParentTag = "Topmenu", Template = "TopNavigation.xslt" }) But the systems seems not to take ParentTag into consideration. Nothing is rend ...
Lars Larsen
29/04/2019 12:13:09
Last post: 29/04/2019 13:39:33
Item relation list returns a single value instead of an array of multiple values
I would like to get all values from an item relation list that is part of a page item type, but I have a problem because the item relation list returns a single value instead of an array of all the items. This is the code I use: // Get all pages unde ...
Pernille Mortensen
23/04/2019 11:22:48
Last post: 06/05/2019 15:11:39
Vertext Address Validation
I have a Vertex Address Validation configured. On the first step of the cart i am getting the AddressValidators loop, sometimes the loop has values and some times it doesn't (the address used is always the same address with errors). Shouln't the loop ...
Cátia Torego
17/04/2019 18:21:59
Last post: 23/04/2019 16:12:06
Create order as PDF and attach it to email notification
Hi guys We would like to know, if there is a simple way to generate a PDF file of an order, and send it to the order notification recipient? E.g. if the user makes an order, then the solution should send an email with the order attached. We could sim ...
Jens Mouritzen
10/04/2019 23:35:24
Last post: 06/10/2020 11:20:35