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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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AltaPay sends incorrectly formatted order lines
Hi there, We recently had an issue with AltaPay where it would send prices in the wrong format. It seems that the order's total and total tax are formatted in an InvariantCulture, but for order lines that doesn't seem to be the case: This is  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
14/12/2023 14:06:35
Last post: 10/01/2024 11:10:29
Integration of cryptocurrency payment service.
Hello everyone, I don't have much experience and haven't integrated payments yet, so if someone could help me, I would be grateful. I'm trying to connect "PayCek allows simple, secure, and fast receipt of cryptocurrencies. PayCek - b ...
Tomislav Bušić
20/12/2023 09:20:06
Last post: 05/01/2024 10:13:29
Displayed products that do not have a price.
Hello people, why am I being shown products that do not have a price. Prices are live from NAV. Thanks in advance. BR Tomislav ...
Tomislav Bušić
28/12/2023 15:00:59
Last post: 29/12/2023 10:51:16
Connect Customer acceptance checkbox to Consent activity
Hi guys, Is there any way I can connect the User acceptance checkbox from the order flow to one specific Consent activity? Some other way than editing the templates. Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
21/12/2023 15:41:20
Last post: 21/12/2023 16:12:01
Product units and discounts
Hi, Current situation I have a product discount 4X + 1Y for free. When you add 4 times the base unit of X to the cart, you get 1 time the base unit of Y for free. For almost all products there are more product units defined. Single unit < Outer Bo ...
Davy Capiau
30/10/2023 15:19:46
Last post: 20/12/2023 14:41:10
Saved Credit Cards from Impersonator
Hi, In our projects we use Impersonation so that a "Login" (real person - i.e. Nuno) can manage an "Account" (i.e. a company - i.e. Dynamicweb North America) and place orders for them. So far so good as there are multiple "Lo ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/12/2023 17:57:58
Last post: 15/12/2023 15:05:57
Voucher code and live integration discounts
Hi there, I have a solution that uses Live Integration to AX where AX can return discount lines for products. That all works fine. The customer now would like to use DynamicWeb's voucher code system to add percentage based discounts to the cart a ...
Imar Spaanjaars
14/12/2023 17:02:32
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Resetting Loyalty Point
Hi , One of my customers is using the Loyalty Point feature. There are transactions in the loyalty points for some of the users. Now, they would like to reset the loyalty points, but they do not want to remove the transactions; they only want to rese ...
Phyu Sin Htike
08/11/2023 10:17:18
Last post: 12/12/2023 09:56:40
SalesPrice * Volume
Hi. The customer I am doing an integration for, has sales price per volume unit in their ERP. Is there a way to configure product groups or entire webshop to use prices based on the volume * salesprice if the salesprice is a volume unit price? Cheers ...
Stephen Anthony Jackson
07/12/2023 12:42:22
Last post: 07/12/2023 13:22:39
Errors loading facets
Hi guys, I have a project where I get this error: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(T ...
Adrian Ursu
22/11/2023 16:39:58
Last post: 06/12/2023 10:52:23
Database with many orders leads to slow responses
Hi there, I have a solution with 190K+ orders (many were imported from an external system for marketing purposes). With this change, the backend order list now takes 10+ seconds to load. I turned on a profiler and found that the select statement for  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
22/11/2023 19:40:26
Last post: 04/12/2023 09:21:41
Product cache not updating on purchase
Hi there, I have a site in three languages (DK, EN (default) and DE). I have set "In stock" to be not editable across languages. That all works fine and I can only change stock in English in the backend. Then when I make a purchase of a pro ...
Imar Spaanjaars
20/10/2023 14:02:13
Last post: 04/12/2023 09:12:47
Quote state does not allow to uncheck billing email
Hi, The UI does not allow to uncheck the send to billing email (field is missing) in quote flow states and it's always forcing it to true. Shouldn't it be aligned with other flow types? BR Mario ...
Mario Santos
10/10/2023 16:42:50
Last post: 01/12/2023 08:01:44
Issue with Quantity Reduction for Orders with Decimal Quantities
Hi, I'm currently encountering an issue where the quantity reduction doesn't seem to work correctly when I place an order with a decimal quantity. To illustrate this, I've attached a screenshot for your reference. For instance, I have a t ...
Thuzar Win
03/11/2023 07:53:06
Last post: 29/11/2023 13:28:13
Rounding issue with vouchers/discounts
We have a customer experiencing rounding issues when utilizing standard DynamicWeb vouchers. The issue was first identified on 9.15.13, and was not resolved with an upgrade to 9.16.2. Example: PROD Solution (running 9.15.3 / 1.22.0) / TEST Solution ( ...
Melissa Borgmann
22/11/2023 03:31:36
Last post: 28/11/2023 03:27:24
Antispam on Carts
Hi, Is there any sort of antispam validation performed on orders? The reason I ask is because we have a customer who is constantly getting some dummy carts created. Over time we've seen: Carts without orderlines Carts with OrderComplete=True (but ...
Nuno Aguiar
06/11/2023 10:38:06
Last post: 24/11/2023 18:06:33
Problem with display product discount only for anonymous user
Hi, I need help with settings on discount for anonymous users. We need to set up discount on the web to display only for anonymous user (not log in) and users in B2C user group. I set up that product discount display only for anonymous users and for  ...
Pamela Šokčević
23/11/2023 13:34:27
Last post: 24/11/2023 12:19:20
Carts and orders for anonymous users
Hello people, Please, where can I change "cart and order calculation for anonymous users". When I put a checkmark here, the price increases by 50% in the shopping cart. Thanks in advance. Best regards Tomislav Bušić ...
Tomislav Bušić
21/11/2023 11:46:21
Last post: 22/11/2023 12:54:51
Notification e-mail when a customer buys something
Hello, I would like to know if someone knows how to set up a notification e-mail when a customer buys something. I hope I have set everything right. If there is anything else in the settings, I would be grateful. Does it matter that DW-solution is in ...
Tomislav Bušić
16/11/2023 12:24:42
Last post: 22/11/2023 10:18:58
PayPal Expresss checkout - China currency
Hi everybody, For some time we have issue with PayPal Expresss checkout. We have implemented payments from all around world in different currencies and everything works excpet when customers select China and Yuan. Then we get error saying that for th ...
Ivan Marijanović
17/11/2023 09:15:38
Last post: 22/11/2023 10:13:48