Business Central codeunit mappings
The following article contains an overview of how Business Central data is mapped to Dynamicweb in the Business Central plug-in unit. The overview is divided into sections for each relevant table in the Dynamicweb database. The specific data fields of Business Central are marked in bold in the tables below.
Importing data to Dynamicweb
Each section below shows a Dynamicweb entity (e.g. EcomProducts) and a list of the Business Central entities relevant for the entity. The mapping tables show a Dynamicweb field and it's corresponding data source. The source may be a direct mapping with a Business Central data field, a simple inputted string or a calculated variable.
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source/value |
AccessUserGroupName |
“Customers” |
AccessGroupName |
“Customers” |
Dynamicweb destination field | Source/value |
AccessUserGroupName |
“Sales” |
AccessGroupName |
“Sales” |
AccesUserGroupName: Customers
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 18 Customer
- Table 5050 Contact
- Table 5054 Contact Business Relation (ContactBusiness)
- table 98 "General Ledger Setup" (glsetup)
Dynamicweb destination field | Source/Value |
AccessUserUserName |
Contact.”E-Mail” |
AccessUserExternalID |
Contact.”No.” |
AccessUserCustomerNumber |
“ContactBusiness.”No.” |
AccessUserName |
Contact.”Name” |
AccessUserEmail |
Contact.”Email” |
AccessUserPhone |
Customer.”Phone No.” |
AccessUserFax |
Customer.”Fax No.” |
AccessUserAddress |
Customer.”Address” |
AccessUserAddress2 |
Customer.”Address 2” |
AccessUserZip |
Customer.”Post Code” |
AccessUserCity |
Customer.”City” |
AccessUserCountry |
Customer.”Country/Region Code” |
AccessUserCountryCode |
Customer.”Country/Region Code” |
AccessUserAddressTitle |
“Company address” |
AccessUserCompany |
Contact.”Company Name” |
AccessUserCurrencyCharacter |
Customer.”Currency Code” or glsetup.”LCY Code” |
AccessUserActive |
“true” |
AccessUserWeb |
Contact.”Home Page” |
AccessUserGroups |
“Customers” |
AccessUserGroupName: Sales
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 13 “Salesperson/Purchaser” (SalesPerson)
AccessUserUserName |
SalesPerson.”E-Mail” |
AccessUserExternalID |
SalesPerson.”Code” |
AccessUserCustomerNumber |
SalesPerson.”Code” |
AccessUserName |
SalesPerson.”Name |
AccessUserEmail |
SalesPerson.”Email” |
AccessUserPhone |
SalesPerson.”Phone No.” |
AccessUserFax |
”” |
AccessUserAddress |
”” |
AccessUserAddress2 |
”” |
AccessUserZip |
”” |
AccessUserCity |
”” |
AccessUserCountry |
”” |
AccessUserCountryCode |
”” |
AccessUserAddressTitle |
“” |
AccessUserCompany |
”” |
AccessUserCurrencyCharacter |
”” |
AccessUserActive |
“true” |
AccessUserWeb |
”” |
AccessUserGroups |
“Sales” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 18 customer
- Table 5050 Contact
- Table 13 “Salesperson/Purchaser” (Salesperson)
- Table 5054 Contact Business Relation
AccessUserSecondaryRelationId |
SalesPerson.”Code” |
AccessUserSecondaryRelationSecondaryUserId |
Contact.”No.” or Customer.”No.” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 222 “Ship-to Address” (addresses)
- table 5051 "Contact Alt. Address"
- table 5050 Contact
- table 5054 "Contact Business Relation" (ContactBusiness)
- table 18 Customer
Contact address:
If Contact.”Company Name” = Customer.Name:
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
AccessUserAddressUserID |
Contact.”No.” |
AccessUserAddressType |
“1” |
AccessUserAddressCallName |
“Contact Address” |
AccessUserAddressCompany |
Contact.”Company Name” |
AccessUserAddressName |
“Contact Address” |
AccessUserAddressAddress |
Contact.”Address” |
AccessUserAddressAddress2 |
Contact.”Address 2” |
AccessUserAddressZip |
Contact.”Post Code” |
AccessUserAddressCity |
Contact.”City” |
AccessUserAddressCountry |
Contact."Country/Region Code" |
AccessUserAddressCell |
Contact.”Mobile Phone No.” |
AccessUserAddressFax |
Contact.”Fax No.” |
AccessUserAddressEmail |
Contact.”E-mail” |
AccessUserAddressCustomerNumber |
ContactBusiness.”No.” |
AccessUserAddressUID |
Contact.”No.” + “_ContactAddress” |
AccessUserAddressState |
Contact."Country/Region Code" |
AccessUserAddressPhoneBusiness |
Contact."Phone No." |
AccessUserAddressCountryCode |
Contact."Country/Region Code" |
AccessUserAddressDefaultAddressCustomFields |
“False” |
Contact alt address:
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
AccessUserAddressUserID |
ContactAltAddress.”No.” |
AccessUserAddressType |
“1” |
AccessUserAddressCallName |
ContactAltAddress.”Code” |
AccessUserAddressCompany |
Contact.”Company Name” |
AccessUserAddressName |
ContactAltAddress.”Code” |
AccessUserAddressAddress |
ContactAltAddress.”Address” |
AccessUserAddressAddress2 |
ContactAltAddress.”Address2” |
AccessUserAddressZip |
ContactAltAddress.”Post Code” |
AccessUserAddressCity |
ContactAltAddress.”City” |
AccessUserAddressCountry |
ContactAltAddress."Country/Region Code" |
AccessUserAddressCell |
ContactAltAddress.”Mobile Phone No.” |
AccessUserAddressFax |
ContactAltAddress.”Fax No.” |
AccessUserAddressEmail |
ContactAltAddress.”E-mail” |
AccessUserAddressCustomerNumber |
ContactBusiness.”No.” |
AccessUserAddressUID |
ContactAltAddress.”Contact No.” + “_” + ContactAltAddress.”Code” |
AccessUserAddressState |
ContactAltAddress."Country/Region Code" |
AccessUserAddressPhoneBusiness |
ContactAltAddress."Phone No." |
AccessUserAddressCountryCode |
ContactAltAddress."Country/Region Code" |
AccessUserAddressDefaultAddressCustomFields |
“False” |
Ship-to addresses:
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
AccessUserAddressUserId |
Contact.”No.” |
AccessUserAddressCompany |
Contact.”Company Name” |
AccessUserAddressCustomerNumber |
ContactBusiness.”No.” |
AccessUserAddressUID |
Customer.”No. + “_” + Adresses.”Code” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 9 Country/Region
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
CountryCode2 |
Country/Region.”Code” |
CountryCultureInfo |
Country/Region.”Code” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 9 Country/Region
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
CountryTextCode2 |
Country/Region.”Code” |
CountryTextLanguageId |
DefaultLanguageId (parsed parameter) |
CountryTextName |
Country/Region.”Name” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 4 Currency
- Table 98 General Ledger Setup
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
CurrencyCode |
Currency.”Code” |
CurrencyName |
Currency.”Description” |
CurrencyLanguageID |
Method: GetUserLanguageCode() from codeunit “Language” |
CurrencyRate |
Calculated exchange rate |
Evaluates if Currency.”Code” is equal toGeneral ledger LCY code (true/false) |
If general ledger currency does not exist in “Currency” table:
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
CurrencyCode |
glsetup.”LCY Code” |
CurrencyName |
“Local” |
CurrencyLanguageID |
Method: GetUserLanguageCode() from codeunit “Language” |
CurrencyRate |
100 |
True |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 8 Languages
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
LanguageID |
Languages.”Code” |
LanguageCode2 |
Languages.”Code” |
LanguageName |
Languages.”Name” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 23 Vendor
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
ManufacturerID |
Vendor.”No.” |
ManufacturerName |
Vendor.”Name” |
ManufacturerAddress |
Vendor.”Address” |
ManufacturerZipCode |
Vendor.”Post Code” |
ManufacturerCity |
Vendor.”City” |
ManufacturerCountry |
Vendor.”Country/Region Code” |
ManufacturerPhone |
Vendor.”Phone No.” |
ManufacturerFax |
Vendor.”Fax No.” |
ManufacturerEmail |
Vendor.”E-Mail” |
ManufacturerWeb |
Vendor.”Home Page” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 14 Location
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
StockLocationId |
Sets ID as Last ID + 1 |
StockLocationName |
Location.”Code” |
StockLocationDescription |
If not empty: Location.”Name” else: Location.”Code” |
StockLocationLangaugeId |
DefaultLanguageId (parsed param) |
StockLocationGroupId |
Sets ID as Last ID + 1 |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 27 item
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
StockUnitProductId |
Item.”No.” |
StockUnitVariantId |
‘’ |
StockUnitId |
“Unit_” + item. “Base Unit Of Measure” |
StockUnitQuantity |
Item.“Inventory” |
StockUnitStockLocationId |
LocationId (last ID + 1) |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 27 Item
- Table 32 “Item Ledger Entry”
- table 5401 "Item Variant"
- table 30 "Item Translation"
- table 7501 "Item Attribute Value"
- table 7505 "Item Attribute Value Mapping"
- table 4 Currency
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
ProductID |
item.”No.” |
ProductVariantID |
itemvariants.”Code” or “” if variant is empty. |
ProductNumber |
item.”No.” |
ProductStock |
If variant: itemLedgerEntry.”Quantity” else: tem.”Inventory” |
ProductPrice |
Item Base Unit price. If Live integration GetProductInfo request: the lowest price for the current customer |
ProductPriceBefore |
Item Base Unit price |
ProductLanguageID |
If language is parsed: language else: GetUserLanguageCode (method) |
ProductName |
Description1 (parsed int parameter) or if variant is empty: item.”Description” else itemvariants.”Description” |
ProductShortDescription |
Description2 (parsed parameter) |
ProductStock |
If variant not empty: itemLedgerEntry.”Inventory” else item.”Inventory” |
ProductWeight |
item."Net Weight" |
ProductVolume |
item."Unit Volume" |
ProductManufacturerID |
item."Vendor No." |
ProductActive |
Boolean: item.”blocked” (false/true) |
ProductVariantCounter |
Counts number of variants |
ProductDefaultUnitID |
“Unit_” + item.”Base Unit of Measure” |
ProductEAN |
itemIdentifier.”Code” or item.”Identifier Code” |
ProductIdentifier |
Fetched text from XML node “ProductIdentifier” |
ProductCurrencyCode |
Currency.”Code” |
ProductPriceWithVat |
Price With VAT |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 8 Language
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
VariantGroupID |
NavUnits |
VariantGroupLanguageID |
Language.”Code”. If there is no language in BC: ‘’ |
VariantGroupName |
“DW_units” |
VariantGroupLabel |
“” |
VariantGroupUnit |
“true” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 204 Unit of Measure
- Table 5402 Unit of Measure Translation (unitofmeasuretranslation)
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
VariantOptionId |
“Unit_” + UnitofMeasure.”Code” |
VariantOptionLanguageID |
DefaultLangaugeId or unitofmeasuretranslation.”Language Code” |
VariantOptionGroupID |
“NavUnits” |
VartiantOptionName |
UnitofMeasure.”Description” or unitofmeasuretranslation.”Description” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 5404 "Item Unit of Measure" (itemUOM)
- table 18 Customer
- table 27 Item
- table 7001 "Price List Line"
- table 5401 "Item Variant"
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
PriceId |
Id generated from composing itemNo, variant, language, currency, quantity, startDate, uom, salesCode and salesType |
PriceProductId |
Item.”No” |
PriceProductVariantId |
itemvariants.”Code” or if empty: “” |
PriceProductLanguageId |
Language |
PriceCurrency |
LCYCore (parsed parameter) orPriceListLine.”Currency Code” |
PriceAmount |
PriceListLine."Unit Price" |
PriceUnitId |
“Unit_” + itemUOM.”Code” |
PriceValidFrom |
“” or PriceListLine."Starting Date" |
PriceValidTo |
“” or PriceListLine."Ending Date" |
PriceIsInformative |
Boolean |
PriceUserCustomerNumber |
Customer.”No.” |
PriceQuantity |
itemUOM.”Qty. per Unit of Measure” orPriceListLine."Minimum Quantity" |
PriceUnitId |
Item Unit of Measure |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 27 Item
If item has an “Item category code”:
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
GroupProductRelationGroupID |
item.”Item Category Code” |
GroupProductRelationProductID |
item.”No.” |
GroupProductRelationIsPrimary |
“True” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 5722 "Item Category"
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
GroupID |
ItemCategory.”Code” |
GroupLanguageID |
setLanguage (parsed parameter) orlanguageId |
GroupName |
ItemCategory.”Description” or if empty: ItemCategory.”Code” or ItemCategory.”Code” + ”_” + languageId + “_” + “NotTranslated” |
GroupInheritCategoryFieldsFromParent |
“true” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 5722 "Item Category"
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
ShopGroupShopID |
shopId (parsed parameter) |
ShopGroupGroupID |
ItemCategory.”Code” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 5722 "Item Category"
If ItemCategory.”Parent Category” is not empty:
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
GroupRelationGroupID |
ItemCategory.”Code” |
GroupRelationParentID |
ItemCategory.”Parent Category” |
GroupRelationsSorting |
ItemCategory.”Presentation Order” – ItemCategory.”Indentation” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 27 Item
Products request:
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
GroupProductRelationGroupID |
GroupId (from request) |
GroupProductRelationProductID |
item No |
GroupProductRelationIsPrimary |
True |
ProductsGroups request:
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
GroupProductRelationGroupID |
item."Item Category Code" |
GroupProductRelationProductID |
item No |
GroupProductRelationIsPrimary |
True |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 5722 "Item Category"
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
ShopGroupShopID |
shopId (parsed parameter) |
ShopGroupGroupID |
ItemCategory.”Code” |
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
CategoryId |
“ImportedNAVItemAttributes” |
CategoryType |
“1” |
CategoryProductProperties |
“true” |
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
CategoryTranslationCategoryId |
“ImportedNAVItemAttributes” |
CategoryTranslationLanguageId |
setLanguage (parsed param) or language (parsed for each lang in langList) |
CategoryTranslationCategoryName |
“Imported NAV Item Attributes” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 7500 "Item Attribute"
- table 7501 "Item Attribute Value"
Dynamicweb destination field |
Source |
FieldId |
ItemCategoryCode + “_” + ItemAttributes.”ID” |
FieldCategoryId |
ItemCategoryCode |
FieldTemplateTag |
ItemCategoryCode + “_” + ItemAttributes.ID |
FieldType |
“1” (text) or “6” (int) or “7” (decimal) or “15” (option) if empty Fieldtype is set to “1” |
FieldDefaultValue |
ItemAttributeValues.”ID” or ItemAttributeValues.”Value” or “” |
FieldPresentationType |
“1” |
FieldDoNotRender |
“false” |
FieldHideEmpty |
“false” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 7500 "Item Attribute"
- table 7503 "Item Attr. Value Translation"
FieldTranslationFieldId |
ItemCategoryCode + “_” + ItemAttributes.”ID” |
FieldTranslationFieldCategoryId |
ItemCategoryCode |
FieldTranslationLanguageId |
languageId (parsed param) |
FieldTranslationFieldLabel |
ItemAttributeTranslation.”Name” or ItemAttributes.”Name” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 7500 "Item Attribute"
- table 7501 "Item Attribute Value"
FieldOptionId |
ItemCategoryCode + “_” + ItemAttributes.”ID” + “_” + ItemAttributeValues.”ID” |
FieldOptionFieldId |
ItemCategoryCode + “_” + ItemAttributes.”ID” |
FieldOptionName |
ItemAttributeValues.”Value” |
FieldOptionValue |
ItemAttributeValues.”ID” |
FieldTranslationFieldOptions |
Composed string representing default options |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 7500 "Item Attribute"
- table 7501 "Item Attribute Value"
- table 7503 "Item Attr. Value Translation"
EcomFieldOptionTranslationOptionID |
ItemCategoryCode + “_” + ItemAttributes.”ID” + “_” + ItemAttributeValues.”ID” |
EcomFieldOptionTranslationLanguageID |
setLanguage (parsed parameter) |
EcomFieldOptionTranslationName |
ItemAttributeValues.”Value” |
EcomFieldOptionTranslationOptionID |
ItemCategoryCode + “_” + ItemAttributes.”ID” + “_” + ItemAttributeValueTranslation.”ID” |
EcomFieldOptionTranslationLanguageID |
ItemAttributeValueTranslation."Language Code" |
EcomFieldOptionTranslationName |
ItemAttributeValueTranslation.”Name” |
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 7500 "Item Attribute"
- table 7501 "Item Attribute Value"
- table 7505 "Item Attribute Value Mapping"
FieldValueFieldId |
itemCategoryCode + “_” + ItemAttributeValueMapping."Item Attribute ID" |
FieldValueFieldCategoryId |
itemCategoryCode |
FieldValueProductId |
ItemAttributeValueMapping."No." |
FieldValueProductVariantId |
“” |
FieldValueProductLanguageId |
setLanguage (parsed parameter) |
'FieldValueValue' |
ItemAttributeValues.”ID” or ItemAttributeValues.”Value” |
Function AddSalesHeader
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 36 "Sales Header"
All table fields for orders that are not from the Customer Center are added with a prefix of “Order”.
Prefix + Id |
Salesheader.”No.” |
Prefix + CurrencyCode |
salesheader."Currency Code" |
Prefix + Date |
salesheader."Order Date" |
Prefix + PaymentMethod |
salesheader."Payment Method Code" |
Prefix + CustomerName |
salesheader."Sell-to Customer Name" |
Prefix + CustomerAddress |
salesheader."Sell-to Address" |
Prefix + CustomerAddress2 |
salesheader."Sell-to Address 2" |
Prefix + CustomerCity |
salesheader."Sell-to City" |
Prefix + CustomerCountryCode |
salesheader."Sell-to Country/Region Code" |
Prefix + CustomerEmail |
“” |
Prefix + CustomerFax |
“” |
Prefix + CustomerPhone |
“” |
Prefix + CustomerZip |
salesheader."Ship-to Post Code" |
Prefix + DeliveryName |
salesheader."Ship-to Name" |
Prefix + DeliveryAddress |
salesheader."Ship-to Address" |
Prefix + DeliveryAddress2 |
salesheader."Ship-to Address 2" |
Prefix + DeliveryCity |
salesheader."Ship-to City" |
Prefix + DeliveryCountryCode |
salesheader."Ship-to Country/Region Code" |
Prefix + DeliveryEmail |
“” |
Prefix + DeliveryFax |
“” |
Prefix + DeliveryPhone |
“” |
Prefix + DeliveryZip |
salesheader."Ship-to Post Code" |
Prefix + PriceWIthVat |
Order Price With VAT |
Prefix + PriceWithoutVat |
Order Price Without VAT |
Prefix + PriceVat |
Order Price VAT |
Prefix + SalesDiscount |
Order Sales Discount |
Function AddSalesCrMemoheader
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 114 "Sales Cr.Memo Header" (salescrmemoheader)
Id |
Salescrmemoheader.”No.” |
CurrencyCode |
salescrmemoheader."Currency Code" |
PaymentMethodName |
salescrmemoheader."Payment Method Code" |
ShippingMethodName |
salescrmemoheader."Shipment Method Code" |
CustomerName |
salescrmemoheader."Sell-to Customer Name" |
CustomerAddress |
salescrmemoheader."Sell-to Address" |
CustomerAddress2 |
salescrmemoheader."Sell-to Address 2" |
CustomerCity |
salescrmemoheader."Sell-to City" |
CustomerCountryCode |
salescrmemoheader."Sell-to Country/Region Code" |
CustomerEmail |
“” |
CustomerFax |
“” |
CustomerPhone |
“” |
CustomerZip |
salescrmemoheader."Ship-to Post Code" |
DeliveryName |
salescrmemoheader."Ship-to Name" |
DeliveryAddress |
salescrmemoheader."Ship-to Address" |
DeliveryAddress2 |
salescrmemoheader."Ship-to Address 2" |
DeliveryCity |
salescrmemoheader."Ship-to City" |
DeliveryCountryCode |
salescrmemoheader."Ship-to Country/Region Code" |
DeliveryEmail |
“” |
DeliveryFax |
“” |
DeliveryPhone |
“” |
DeliveryZip |
salescrmemoheader."Ship-to Post Code" |
PriceWIthVat |
OrderPriceWithVAT |
PriceWithoutVat |
OrderPriceWithoutVAT |
PriceVat |
OrderPriceVAT |
SalesDiscount |
OrderSalesDiscount |
Function AddSalesInvHeader
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 112 "Sales Invoice Header" (salesInvheader)
Id |
SalesInvheader.”No.” |
CurrencyCode |
salesInvheader."Currency Code" |
Date |
salesInvheader."Order Date" |
PaymentMethodName |
salesInvheader."Payment Method Code" |
ShippingMethodName |
salesInvheader."Shipment Method Code" |
CustomerName |
salesInvheader."Sell-to Customer Name" |
CustomerAddress |
salesInvheader."Sell-to Address" |
CustomerAddress2 |
salesInvheader."Sell-to Address 2" |
CustomerCity |
salesInvheader."Sell-to City" |
CustomerCountryCode |
salesInvheader."Sell-to Country/Region Code" |
CustomerEmail |
“” |
CustomerFax |
“” |
CustomerPhone |
“” |
CustomerZip |
salesInvheader."Ship-to Post Code" |
DeliveryName |
salesInvheader."Ship-to Name" |
DeliveryAddress |
salesInvheader."Ship-to Address" |
DeliveryAddress2 |
salesInvheader."Ship-to Address 2" |
DeliveryCity |
salesInvheader."Ship-to City" |
DeliveryCountryCode |
salesInvheader."Ship-to Country/Region Code" |
DeliveryEmail |
“” |
DeliveryFax |
“” |
DeliveryPhone |
“” |
DeliveryZip |
salesInvheader."Ship-to Post Code" |
PriceWithVAT |
OrderPriceWithVAT |
PriceWithoutVAT |
OrderPriceWithoutVAT |
PriceVAT |
OrderPriceVAT |
SalesDiscount |
OrderSalesDiscount |
ShippingFee |
“” |
Function AddSalesLine
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 37 "Sales Line"
- table 36 "Sales Header"
All table field names for order lines that are not from the Customer Center are added with a prefix of “OrderLine”.
Some field names are also added with either an idPrefix (“Id”) or a VatPrefix (“Vat”) if the cancelAdd parameter is not set to true.
Prefix + ProductNumber |
salesLine.”No.” |
Prefix + ProductVariant + idPrefix |
salesLine."Variant Code" |
Prefix + UnitId* |
“Unit_” + salesLine."Unit of Measure Code" |
Prefix + ParentLine + idPrefix** |
salesLine."Line No.” |
Prefix + Type |
“3” (if it is product discount line), 1 if it is order discount or “0” (if it is regular product order line) |
Prefix + Quantity |
salesLine.”Quantity” |
Prefix + DiscountId*** |
If UseDynamciwebDiscount is ON the OrderLineDiscountId value from the request is inserted. |
Prefix + ProductName** *** |
If UseDynamciwebDiscount is ON the OrderLineDiscountName value from the request is inserted. |
Prefix + PriceWith + vatPrefix** *** |
Price WithWAT (calculated variable) |
Prefix + UnitPriceWith + vatPrefix |
Unit Price With VAT (calculated variable) |
Prefix + PriceWithout + VatPrefix |
Price Without VAT (calculated variable) |
Prefix + UnitPriceWithout + VatPrefix |
Unit price Without VAT (calculated variable) |
Prefix + DiscountPercentage |
salesLine."Line Discount %" |
Prefix + Price + VatPrefix |
Calculates PriceWithWAT – PriceWithoutWAT |
Prefix + UnitPrice + VatPrefix |
Calculates (UnitPriceWithWAT – UnitPriceWithoutWAT) if salesLine.”Quantity” is not 0, the UnitPrice calculation is divided by the quantity. |
Prefix + Price + VatPrefix + Percent |
salesLine."VAT %" |
Prefix + UnitPrice + VatPrefix + Percent |
salesLine."VAT %" |
*only if isUomRequest is true in the request and “Unit of Measure Code” in the salesLine.”Variant Code” is not empty.
**Only if parent is not empty.
***Only if dynamicwebDiscountId is not empty.
Function AddNavOrderDiscountSalesLine
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 325 "VAT Posting Setup"
- table 36 "Sales Header"
OrderLineProductNumber |
”” |
OrderLineProductVariantID |
”” |
OrderLineId |
”” |
OrderLineQuantity |
”1” |
OrderLineType |
”1” |
OrderLinePriceWithoutVat |
Discount Amount without VAT |
OrderLineUnitPriceWithoutVat |
Discount Amount without VAT |
OrderLinePriceWithVat |
Considers if any sales line has a different Vat percent and if so, uses the invoiceDiscountAmountWithVat variable. Otherwise the variable is calculated by using VATPostingSetup.”VAT %” and thediscount amount. |
OrderLineUnitPriceWithVat |
Considers if any sales line has a different Vat percent and if so, uses the invoiceDiscountAmountWithVat variable. Otherwise the variable is calculated by using VATPostingSetup.”VAT %” and thediscount amount. |
OrderLinePriceVat |
Calculates TempWithWAT – TempWithoutWAT (rounded to two decimal points) |
OrderLineUnitPriceVat |
Calculates TempWithWAT – TempWithoutWAT (rounded to two decimal points) |
OrderLinePriceVatPercent |
VatPercent, variable, that holds the value from VATPostingSetup."VAT %" unless VATPostingSetup."VAT Calculation Type"is “Reverse Charge VAT” |
OrderLineUnitPriceVatPercent |
VatPercent, variable, that holds the value from VATPostingSetup."VAT %" unless VATPostingSetup."VAT Calculation Type"is “Reverse Charge VAT” |
Function AddSalesCrMemoLine
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- table 114 "Sales Cr.Memo Header" (salescrmemoheader)
- table 115 "Sales Cr.Memo Line" (SalesCrMemoLine)
- table 37 "Sales Line"
ProductNumber |
salesCrMemoLine.”No.” |
ProductVariantID |
SalesCrMemoLine."Variant Code" |
ParentLineID (only if parent exists) |
salesLine."Line No." |
Type |
“3” (if parent is not empty) or “0” (if parent is empty) |
Quantity |
“1” (if parent is not empty) orsalesCrMemoLine.”Quantity” |
PriceWithVAT |
salesCrMemoLine."Line Discount Amount" or TempWithVAT (calculated variable, quantity * unit price) |
UnitPriceWithVAT |
salesCrMemoLine."Unit Price" to string) orcalculated UnitPrice from salesCrMemoLine.”Unit Price” and salesCrMemoLine.”VAT %” |
PriceWithoutVAT |
TempWithoutVAT (calculated variable) or salesCrMemoLine."Line Discount Amount" |
UnitPriceWithoutVat |
Calculation from salesCrMemoLine."Unit Price" and salesCrMemoLine."VAT %" or salesCrMemoLine."Unit Price" |
DiscountPercentage |
salesCrMemoLine."Line Discount %" |
PriceVAT |
Calculates TempWithWAT – TempWithoutWAT (variables) |
PriceVATPercent |
salesCrMemoLine."VAT %" |
UnitPriceVATPercent |
salesCrMemoLine."VAT %" |
Function AddSalesInvLine
Imports data from the following Business Central tables:
- Table 113 "Sales Invoice Line" (salesInvLine)
- table 37 "Sales Line"
ProductNumber |
salesInvLine.”No.” |
ProductVariantID |
SalesInvLine."Variant Code" |
ParentLineID (only if parent exists) |
salesLine."Line No." |
Type |
“3” (if parent is not empty) or “0” (if parent is empty) |
Quantity |
“1” (if parent is not empty) orsalesInvLine.Quantity |
PriceWithVAT |
salesInvLine."Line Discount Amount" or TempWithVAT (calculated variable) |
UnitPriceWithVAT |
salesInvLine."Unit Price" or calculated UnitPrice from salesInvLine.”Unit Price”and salesInvLine.”VAT %” |
PriceWithoutVAT |
TempWithoutVAT (calculated variable) or salesInvLine."Line Discount Amount" |
UnitPriceWithoutVat |
Calculation from salesInvLine."Unit Price"and salesInvLine."VAT %" or salesInvLine."Unit Price" |
DiscountPercentage |
salesInvLine."Line Discount %" |
PriceVAT |
Calculates TempWithWAT – TempWithoutWAT (variables) |
PriceVATPercent |
salesInvLine."VAT %" |
UnitPriceVATPercent |
salesInvLine."VAT %" |