Class | Description | |
Detail | Represents product details objects | |
DetailCollection | Collection for product details objects | |
FieldOption | Represents a single field option. | |
FieldOptionCollection | Represents a collection of field options. | |
FieldType | Represents product field type object | |
FieldTypeCollection | Collection of product field types | |
Group | Product group class | |
Group.MetaData | Represents information about meta data. | |
GroupCollection | Collection of product groups | |
GroupDeleting | Helper class to properly delete group with access rights checks and from all places: pages, shops, other groups and products relations etc. | |
GroupFilterExecutionSettings | Represents a group filter execution settings. | |
GroupFilterOption | Represents a single group filter option. | |
GroupFilterSetting | Represents a filter setting applied to specified eCommerce group. | |
GroupRelation | Class for parent-child relations between product groups | |
GroupRelationCollection | Collection class for parent-child relations between product groups | |
GroupShopRelation | Class for relation objects between shops and product groups | |
GroupShopRelationCollection | Collection of relation objects between shops and product groups | |
GroupTemplateExtender | Group template extender. Extends the rendering of a Group. | |
Manufacturer | Class for Manufacturer objects | |
ManufacturerCollection | Collection of Manufacturer class objects | |
Period | General-purpose Period class, used, for example, for prices | |
PeriodCollection | Collection of Period objects | |
Product | Represents information about a product. | |
Product.MetaData | Represents information about meta data. | |
ProductCollection | Represents a collection of the products. | |
ProductDeleting | Represents methods for deleting products. | |
ProductField | Provides information about a product field. | |
ProductFieldCollection | Represents a collection of ProductField objects. | |
ProductFieldValue | This class saves the new values for ProductField | |
ProductFieldValueCollection | Represents a collection of ProductFieldValue objects. | |
ProductGroupField | Represents information about product group. | |
ProductGroupFieldCollection | Represents collection of product group. | |
ProductGroupFieldValue | This class saves the new values for ProductGroupField | |
ProductGroupFieldValueCollection | Represents collection of ProductGroupFieldValue objects. | |
ProductGroupRelation | Represents information about related groups. | |
ProductGroupRelationCollection | Represents a collection of ProductGroupRelation objects. | |
ProductItem | Represents information about product's item. | |
ProductItemCollection | Represents a collection of ProductItem objects. | |
ProductListTemplateExtender | Product list template extender. Extends the rendering of a ProductCollection. | |
ProductRelated | Represents information about related products. | |
ProductRelatedCollection | Represents a collection of ProductRelated objects. | |
ProductRelatedGroup | Represents information about the product related groups. | |
ProductRelatedGroupCollection | Represents a collection of ProductRelatedGroup objects. | |
ProductTemplateExtender | Product template extender. Extends the rendering of a Product. | |
PropertyField | Represents information about properties of fields. | |
PropertyFieldCollection | Represents a collection of PropertyField objects. | |
PropertyFieldOption | Represents information about properties of field option. | |
PropertyFieldOptionCollection | Represents a collection of PropertyFieldOption objects. | |
PropertyGroup | Represents information about properties of groups. | |
PropertyGroupCollection | Represents a collection of PropertyGroup objects. | |
PropertyProductRelation | Provides information about properties for parent-child relations between products. | |
PropertyProductRelationCollection | Represents a collection of PropertyProductRelation objects. | |
PropertyProductValue | Provides information about a properties of product value. | |
PropertyProductValueCollection | Represents a collection of PropertyProductValue objects. | |
PropertyType | Provides information about type properties. | |
PropertyTypeCollection | Represents a collection of PropertyType objects. | |
SaveMethodCombo | Represents properties for saving. | |
SaveMethodComboCollection | Represents methods for adding and loading SaveMethodCombo objects. |
Enumeration | Description | |
FieldListPresentationType | Represents presentation type for fields of type "list". | |
GroupCollection.SortBy | Sorting fields. | |
GroupFilterOptionsMergeMode | Represents a merge mode for filter options that were preconfigured by the user. | |
GroupFilterPagedQueryMode | Represents a paged query mode. | |
GroupFilterVisibility | Represents filter visibility mode in the context of eCommerce group. | |
ManufacturerCollection.SortBy | Sorting fields. | |
ManufacturerCollection.SortDirection | Sorting direction. | |
Product.OrderStockOperator | 1 - Negative, 0 - Positive. | |
ProductCollection.SortBy | Sorting fields. | |
ProductCollection.SortDirection | Sorting direction. | |
ProductDBField | DB fields. | |
ProductPriceType | Type of price. | |
ProductType | Type of product. | |
PropertyField.InputTypeEnum | Type of input data. | |
UpdateType | Update type. |