Dynamicweb 8 Documentation
Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Products Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Products namespace contains types for managing products, groups and their related data.
ClassDetail Represents product details objects
ClassDetailCollection Collection for product details objects
ClassFieldOption Represents a single field option.
ClassFieldOptionCollection Represents a collection of field options.
ClassFieldType Represents product field type object
ClassFieldTypeCollection Collection of product field types
ClassGroup Product group class
ClassGroup.MetaData Represents information about meta data.
ClassGroupCollection Collection of product groups
ClassGroupDeleting Helper class to properly delete group with access rights checks and from all places: pages, shops, other groups and products relations etc.
ClassGroupFilterExecutionSettings Represents a group filter execution settings.
ClassGroupFilterOption Represents a single group filter option.
ClassGroupFilterSetting Represents a filter setting applied to specified eCommerce group.
ClassGroupRelation Class for parent-child relations between product groups
ClassGroupRelationCollection Collection class for parent-child relations between product groups
ClassGroupShopRelation Class for relation objects between shops and product groups
ClassGroupShopRelationCollection Collection of relation objects between shops and product groups
ClassGroupTemplateExtender Group template extender. Extends the rendering of a Group.
ClassManufacturer Class for Manufacturer objects
ClassManufacturerCollection Collection of Manufacturer class objects
ClassPeriod General-purpose Period class, used, for example, for prices
ClassPeriodCollection Collection of Period objects
ClassProduct Represents information about a product.
ClassProduct.MetaData Represents information about meta data.
ClassProductCollection Represents a collection of the products.
ClassProductDeleting Represents methods for deleting products.
ClassProductField Provides information about a product field.
ClassProductFieldCollection Represents a collection of ProductField objects.
ClassProductFieldValue This class saves the new values for ProductField
ClassProductFieldValueCollection Represents a collection of ProductFieldValue objects.
ClassProductGroupField Represents information about product group.
ClassProductGroupFieldCollection Represents collection of product group.
ClassProductGroupFieldValue This class saves the new values for ProductGroupField
ClassProductGroupFieldValueCollection Represents collection of ProductGroupFieldValue objects.
ClassProductGroupRelation Represents information about related groups.
ClassProductGroupRelationCollection Represents a collection of ProductGroupRelation objects.
ClassProductItem Represents information about product's item.
ClassProductItemCollection Represents a collection of ProductItem objects.
ClassProductListTemplateExtender Product list template extender. Extends the rendering of a ProductCollection.
ClassProductRelated Represents information about related products.
ClassProductRelatedCollection Represents a collection of ProductRelated objects.
ClassProductRelatedGroup Represents information about the product related groups.
ClassProductRelatedGroupCollection Represents a collection of ProductRelatedGroup objects.
ClassProductTemplateExtender Product template extender. Extends the rendering of a Product.
ClassPropertyField Represents information about properties of fields.
ClassPropertyFieldCollection Represents a collection of PropertyField objects.
ClassPropertyFieldOption Represents information about properties of field option.
ClassPropertyFieldOptionCollection Represents a collection of PropertyFieldOption objects.
ClassPropertyGroup Represents information about properties of groups.
ClassPropertyGroupCollection Represents a collection of PropertyGroup objects.
ClassPropertyProductRelation Provides information about properties for parent-child relations between products.
ClassPropertyProductRelationCollection Represents a collection of PropertyProductRelation objects.
ClassPropertyProductValue Provides information about a properties of product value.
ClassPropertyProductValueCollection Represents a collection of PropertyProductValue objects.
ClassPropertyType Provides information about type properties.
ClassPropertyTypeCollection Represents a collection of PropertyType objects.
ClassSaveMethodCombo Represents properties for saving.
ClassSaveMethodComboCollection Represents methods for adding and loading SaveMethodCombo objects.
EnumerationFieldListPresentationType Represents presentation type for fields of type "list".
EnumerationGroupCollection.SortBy Sorting fields.
EnumerationGroupFilterOptionsMergeMode Represents a merge mode for filter options that were preconfigured by the user.
EnumerationGroupFilterPagedQueryMode Represents a paged query mode.
EnumerationGroupFilterVisibility Represents filter visibility mode in the context of eCommerce group.
EnumerationManufacturerCollection.SortBy Sorting fields.
EnumerationManufacturerCollection.SortDirection Sorting direction.
EnumerationProduct.OrderStockOperator 1 - Negative, 0 - Positive.
EnumerationProductCollection.SortBy Sorting fields.
EnumerationProductCollection.SortDirection Sorting direction.
EnumerationProductDBField DB fields.
EnumerationProductPriceType Type of price.
EnumerationProductType Type of product.
EnumerationPropertyField.InputTypeEnum Type of input data.
EnumerationUpdateType Update type.
See Also


Dynamicweb Assembly

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