| Name | Description |
| AddBooleanParam | Adds boolean parameter to SQL statement. |
| AddDateTimeParam | Adds DateTime parameter to SQL statement. |
| AddDoubleParam | Adds double parameter to SQL statement. |
| AddInt16Param | Adds Int16 parameter to SQL statement. |
| AddInt32Param | Adds Int32 parameter to SQL statement. |
| AddStringParam | Adds string parameter to SQL statement. |
| CreateAdapter | Creates a DataAdapter based on the database type of the solution. |
| CreateCommandBuilder | Creates a CommandBuilder based for the specified DataAdapters. |
| CreateConnection | Overloaded. Creates and opens a database connection to the default database |
| CreateDataReader | Overloaded. Creates a DataReader by sending the sql to the Connection and build an IDataReader. |
| CreateDataSet | Overloaded. Creates a System.Data.DataSet with data returned by the passed SQL statement. |
| CreateDataTable | Overloaded. Creates a System.Data.DataTable with data returned by the passed SQL statement. |
| DatabaseExists | Helper method to determine whether the physical database with the given name exists on the disk. This will always return true for solutions using MS SQLServer. |
| ExecuteNonQuery | Overloaded. Executes an SQL statement against the Connection object of a .NET Framework data provider, and returns the number of rows affected. |
| ExecuteScalar | Overloaded. Executes the query, and returns the first column of the first row in the resultset returned by the query. Extra columns or rows are ignored. |
| GetAddedIdentityKey | Overloaded. The function returns the identity of the last added row to the database |
| SqlBool | Overloaded. Returns a Boolean in the appropriate database format. |
| SqlDate | Overloaded. Returns a date in the appropriate database format. |
| SqlDateFormatString | Escapes a date formatting character for use in SQL DatePart statements depending on database type (Access or SQL-Server) |
| SqlDatePart | Returns a DatePart abbreviation for the appropriate database. |
| SqlEscapeInjection | Overloaded. Strips a string of all SQL-commands used to create SQL-injection. |
| SqlString | Overloaded. Returns a string quoted with '' for Access and N'' (Unicode) for SQL-Server. |
| SqlWeekDay | Returns a string in the appropriate database format. |
| TableExists | Helper method to determine whether a table with the given name exists in the given database. |